if you have 0.454 grams of sulfur trioxide, how many moles does this represent? how many molecules? how many oxygens atoms?


how many molecules? moles*avagradro's number

How many oxygen atoms? three times the number of molecules.

Your teacher is too easy.

To determine the number of moles of sulfur trioxide, molecules, and oxygen atoms, we need to use the concept of molar mass.

1. Moles of Sulfur Trioxide:
The molar mass of sulfur trioxide (SO3) can be calculated by adding up the atomic masses of sulfur and three oxygen atoms.

The atomic mass of sulfur (S) is approximately 32.06 g/mol, and the atomic mass of oxygen (O) is approximately 16.00 g/mol.

So, the molar mass of sulfur trioxide (SO3) is:
32.06 g/mol + (16.00 g/mol × 3) = 80.06 g/mol

To calculate the number of moles of sulfur trioxide, divide the mass of sulfur trioxide (0.454 grams) by its molar mass (80.06 g/mol):
0.454 g / 80.06 g/mol ≈ 0.00568 moles

Therefore, 0.454 grams of sulfur trioxide represents approximately 0.00568 moles.

2. Number of Sulfur Trioxide Molecules:
To determine the number of molecules, we use Avogadro's number, which states that there are approximately 6.022 × 10^23 particles (molecules) in one mole of a substance.

Multiply the number of moles by Avogadro's number:
0.00568 moles × (6.022 × 10^23 molecules/mol) = 3.42 × 10^21 molecules

Therefore, 0.454 grams of sulfur trioxide represents approximately 3.42 × 10^21 molecules.

3. Number of Oxygen Atoms:
In one sulfur trioxide molecule (SO3), there are three oxygen atoms.

Multiply the number of molecules by the number of oxygen atoms per molecule:
3.42 × 10^21 molecules × 3 oxygen atoms/molecule = 1.03 × 10^22 oxygen atoms

Therefore, 0.454 grams of sulfur trioxide represents approximately 1.03 × 10^22 oxygen atoms.