Two-year-old Gerald is starting at your day care center tomorrow. His mother is going back to work for the first time since Gerald was born. You have four groups at the center. In which group should you place Gerald?

A. A group of six toddlers
B. A group of 10 toddlers
C. A group of 10 preschoolers
D. A group of 15 preschoolers

To determine which group Gerald should be placed in at the day care center, we need to consider his age and developmental stage.

Based on the information given, we know that Gerald is two years old. Typically, two-year-olds are considered toddlers.

Option A states a group of six toddlers. Option B, on the other hand, mentions a group of 10 toddlers. Both of these options are potentially suitable for Gerald, as they are both toddler groups.

Options C and D mention preschoolers, which typically refers to children aged three to five years old. Gerald is only two years old, so placing him in a group of preschoolers may not be the most appropriate choice.

Considering the given information, it would be best to place Gerald in either the group of six toddlers (Option A) or the group of 10 toddlers (Option B). The specific choice between the two would depend on factors such as the caregiver-to-child ratio and the individual dynamics of each group.