Why lighter skins people thought that they are superior to all others.?

Some darker skin people believe they're superior to others.

They accept the ethnocentric values of the dominant white culture.

The perception of superiority based on skin color is rooted in historical factors such as colonization, social hierarchies, and prevailing biases. It is important to note that these beliefs are social constructs and do not have any scientific basis.

To understand why some lighter-skinned people have historically been perceived as superior, we need to look at historical and cultural contexts. During periods of colonization, European powers often imposed their ideas of beauty, civilization, and superiority on the indigenous populations they encountered. These ideas included the notion that lighter skin was more desirable and associated with higher social status and privilege.

Furthermore, colonial powers created societal structures that favored lighter-skinned individuals. This was often achieved through discriminatory practices such as segregation, limited access to resources and opportunities for those with darker skin tones, and the promotion of Eurocentric beauty standards. These systems reinforced the perception of lighter skin as superior while marginalizing darker-skinned individuals.

Today, it is crucial to challenge and dismantle these harmful beliefs and systems of oppression. Promoting inclusivity, diversity, and embracing the beauty and value of all skin tones can help create more equitable and just societies. Education, awareness, and active efforts to address systemic bias can contribute to dismantling these harmful perceptions of superiority based on skin color.