imformation should include____________,_____________, and ________, procedures

This sentence is obviously taken from your text materials. Since I don't have your text, I guess you'll have to read and find the answers yourself.

Here are some possibilities:

general information
need for the procedure
time, effort, equipment necessary
operating steps
entry & exit procedure


When discussing procedures, information should typically include three key elements:

1. Purpose: This explains the reason behind the procedure, its goals, or what it aims to achieve. It provides context and helps users understand the importance and relevance of following the procedure.

To understand the purpose of a procedure, you can:
- Read the documentation or manual related to the process.
- Consult with subject matter experts or colleagues familiar with the procedure.
- Analyze the problem or issue the procedure aims to address.

2. Steps/Instructions: This specifies the specific actions or sequence of steps to be taken to complete the procedure. It guides users through the process, offering clear and detailed instructions to ensure proper execution.

To obtain the steps/instructions for a procedure, you can:
- Refer to official documentation, manuals, or standard operating procedures (SOPs).
- Seek guidance from supervisors, managers, or colleagues who are experienced in the procedure.
- Perform a search online using relevant keywords like the name of the procedure or related tasks.

3. Compliance/Adherence: This highlights any rules, regulations, or guidelines that must be followed when executing the procedure. It ensures that the procedure is conducted in a safe, legal, or ethical manner.

To identify the compliance requirements for a procedure, you can:
- Check industry-specific regulations, standards, or legal frameworks.
- Review company policies, guidelines, or code of conduct.
- Consult with compliance officers, legal experts, or regulatory authorities that oversee the domain in question.

By providing these three elements in information about procedures, users can have a comprehensive understanding of why the procedure is important, how to perform it accurately, and what rules or guidelines to follow.