What is the structure and language of the poem Young by Anne Sexton?

yall are not very helpful......

First of all, read through the poem and tell me the line number where the first sentence ends.

A critic should read a story more than once in order to write about it. True or False.

To analyze the structure and language of the poem "Young" by Anne Sexton, we can follow a step-by-step process:

1. Read and understand the poem: Begin by reading the poem multiple times to gain a comprehensive understanding of its content and themes. Pay attention to the emotions, imagery, and ideas conveyed by the poet.

2. Identify the structure: Poems often have a specific structure that contributes to their overall meaning. Consider the poem's length, line breaks, stanza organization, and rhythm. Note any patterns or variations that emerge.

3. Examine the language and word choice: Poetry relies heavily on precise language and carefully chosen words. Observe the poet's choice of vocabulary, sentence structure, metaphors, and other literary devices. Look for recurring themes or motifs throughout the poem.

4. Analyze the tone and mood: Determine the overall tone and mood of the poem. Do the language and structure evoke a sense of sadness, joy, nostalgia, or something else? Identify any shifts or contrasts in tone within the poem.

5. Consider the use of figurative language: Poets often employ figurative language, such as similes, metaphors, personification, or symbolism, to enhance the meaning and imagery of their work. Identify and interpret any instances of these devices within the poem.

6. Explore the themes and underlying messages: Delve into the underlying themes and messages that the poem conveys. Analyze the poet's use of language, structure, and imagery to convey these themes. Consider the historical, social, or personal context that might influence the poem's meaning.

By following these steps, you can engage in a detailed analysis of the poem "Young" by Anne Sexton, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of its structure and language. Remember to use evidence from the text to support your analysis and draw connections between different elements of the poem.