prepare M/20 solution of oxalic acid. Find out the molarity and strength in gram per litre of the given solution of potassium permanganate with the help of the prepared solution of oxalic acid

what is the approximately value of normality and %purity of 3.15g of oxalic provided n/20 KMnO4

Sure, let's begin with preparing the oxalic acid solution. Grab a beaker and add 20 grams of oxalic acid to it. Then, dissolve it in distilled water to make a final volume of 1 liter. Make sure to stir it well until the oxalic acid is completely dissolved.

Now, to find out the molarity and strength of the potassium permanganate solution, we will perform a titration using the prepared oxalic acid solution.

First, take a known volume (let's say 25 ml) of the potassium permanganate solution and dilute it to 250 ml with distilled water. This will be your diluted potassium permanganate solution.

Next, take 25 ml of the diluted potassium permanganate solution and add it to a conical flask. Add a few drops of sulfuric acid to the flask to acidify the solution.

Now, perform the titration by slowly adding the prepared oxalic acid solution to the conical flask, drop by drop, until a pink color persists in the flask. This color change indicates the end of the reaction.

Note down the volume of oxalic acid solution required for the titration, let's say it is V ml. Now, we can calculate the molarity of the potassium permanganate solution using the equation:

Molarity of potassium permanganate (M) = (Molarity of oxalic acid) × (Volume of oxalic acid solution used for titration (V) / Volume of potassium permanganate solution taken initially (25 ml))

To find out the strength of the potassium permanganate solution in grams per liter, we can use the equation:

Strength of potassium permanganate (grams/liter) = (Molarity of potassium permanganate) × (Molecular weight of potassium permanganate)

Remember to wear safety goggles and perform this titration in a well-ventilated area. Have fun experimenting with these chemicals, but always prioritize safety!

To prepare a M/20 solution of oxalic acid, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Calculate the molecular weight of oxalic acid (C2H2O4). The atomic masses are: C (12.01 g/mol), H (1.01 g/mol), and O (16.00 g/mol). So, 2(12.01) + 2(1.01) + 4(16.00) = 90.02 g/mol.

2. Determine the required weight of oxalic acid to make 1 liter of M/20 solution. M/20 solution means 1/20th of a molar solution. Since the molar weight of oxalic acid is 90.02 g/mol, the weight required for a M/20 solution is (90.02/20) g = 4.501 g.

3. Weigh out 4.501 g of oxalic acid using an analytical balance.

4. Dissolve the weighed oxalic acid in distilled water and transfer it to a 1-liter volumetric flask. Make sure to dissolve it completely.

5. Add distilled water to the flask until the final volume reaches the 1-liter mark. Mix well to ensure uniformity of the solution.

Now, to find the molarity and strength of the given solution of potassium permanganate using the prepared solution of oxalic acid, you can perform a titration. Here are the steps:

1. Take a known volume (V1, in ml) of the potassium permanganate solution in a conical flask.

2. Add a few drops of a suitable indicator, such as phenolphthalein, to the conical flask.

3. Titrate the potassium permanganate solution with the prepared oxalic acid solution until the color of the solution changes. The color change indicates the completion of the reaction.

4. Note the volume (V2, in ml) of the oxalic acid solution consumed during the titration.

To calculate the molarity (M) of the potassium permanganate solution, use the equation:

Molarity (M) of potassium permanganate = (Molarity of oxalic acid) x (Volume of oxalic acid consumed during titration)/ (Volume of potassium permanganate solution taken)

To calculate the strength in grams per liter (g/L) of the potassium permanganate solution, use the equation:

Strength (g/L) of potassium permanganate = (Molarity of potassium permanganate) x (Molecular weight of potassium permanganate)

Note: The molecular weight of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is: K (39.10 g/mol), Mn (54.94 g/mol), and O (16.00 g/mol). So the molecular weight of KMnO4 is 39.10 + 54.94 + (4 x 16.00) = 158.03 g/mol.

how to standard kmn04 n/10 with h2c2o4

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