hi I was doing a study guide for a big test I'm having in my World History class and I was wondering if anyone can help me answer this question...

-what trends in political organization and economic development can be identified in 20th century world civilizations?

I was looking for a few key points with explanations...thank you

Which of the following can contribute to the fall of empires?

economic prosperity
civil war
foreign invasion
natural disasters

Civil war

Of course! I'd be happy to help you with your question. In order to identify the trends in political organization and economic development in 20th century world civilizations, you would need to analyze the historical and global context of that period. Here are a few key points to consider:

1. Decolonization and the rise of self-determination: In the 20th century, many countries that were formerly colonized by European powers sought independence. This led to the dismantling of colonial empires and the emergence of newly independent nations. Political organizations shifted towards nation-states and a greater emphasis on self-governance.

2. The spread of democracy: Throughout the 20th century, there was a gradual expansion of democratic principles and institutions worldwide. Many countries adopted democratic systems of governance, allowing citizens to participate in decision-making processes. This trend was fueled by growing demands for political rights and social justice.

3. The rise of authoritarianism: While democracy expanded, there was also a rise in authoritarian regimes during the 20th century. Leaders like Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Joseph Stalin gained power and exerted strong control over their respective countries. These authoritarian governments often suppressed political opposition and limited individual freedoms.

4. Economic globalization: The 20th century witnessed increased interconnectedness and interdependence among nations through trade, finance, and technology. Globalization allowed for the expansion of multinational corporations, the growth of international trade, and the spread of new economic ideologies like capitalism and socialism. This led to the integration of previously isolated economies into a more interconnected global marketplace.

5. Economic transformations: The 20th century also saw significant economic changes. Industrialization, technological advancements, and scientific innovations reshaped economies worldwide. This led to the rise of consumerism, increased productivity, and the emergence of new industries.

To answer this question comprehensively, it is important to provide specific examples and further analyze how these trends played out in different parts of the world. Consulting your course materials and conducting further research will help you provide a more detailed and comprehensive response.