Which of the following are high in search properties?

TV repair
legal services
auto repair
medical diagnosis

I think it is legal services i am unsure.


To determine which of the given options are high in search properties, we need to consider the popularity and frequency of searches for each category. One way to do this is by using keyword research tools or analyzing search engine data. However, since I do not have direct access to real-time data, I can provide you with some general information to help you make an educated guess.

It is likely that clothing and auto repair receive a high volume of searches since they are common needs for many people. TV repair may also receive a good amount of searches, especially as TVs are common consumer electronics that may require repair over time.

Legal services and medical diagnosis could have a moderate to high search volume as people often seek legal advice or medical information. However, it is important to note that the search properties of legal services and medical diagnosis may vary depending on specific circumstances, location, and individual needs.

In conclusion, while clothing, auto repair, and TV repair are commonly searched categories, the search properties of legal services and medical diagnosis can vary. It is important to consider the specific context and target audience when determining the search properties.