Two trees stand side-by-side. The shorter tree is feet tall. Its shadow is 9 feet long. The taller tree is feet tall. How long is its shadow?

You left out a number.

Assume similar triangles.

9 times 9 equals what?..this will give you your answer

To find the length of the taller tree's shadow, we can use a proportion.

Let's label the height of the shorter tree as "h1" and the length of its shadow as "s1". Similarly, let's label the height of the taller tree as "h2" and the length of its shadow as "s2".

We know that the height of the shorter tree (h1) is given as a value. Let's assume it's "x" feet. It's given that the length of its shadow (s1) is 9 feet.

So we have h1 = x and s1 = 9.

Now, we can set up a proportion using the ratios of the heights to the lengths of shadows:

h1/s1 = h2/s2

Substituting the values we know, we have:

x/9 = h2/s2

Now, we can solve for s2, the length of the taller tree's shadow:

Cross-multiplying the equation, we get:

x * s2 = 9 * h2

Dividing both sides of the equation by x, we have:

s2 = (9 * h2) / x

Since we know the height of the taller tree is given as a value, let's assume it's "y" feet. So we have h2 = y.

Substituting this value into the equation, we have:

s2 = (9 * y) / x

Therefore, the length of the taller tree's shadow is (9 * y) / x feet.