In Literature, what were the goals in the Harlem Renaissance?

I could only think of one.
-To show the Negro as a capable individuals

That was certainly the most important goal. Secondary goals stem from recognizing Negroes as capable people. This site has more details.

In the Harlem Renaissance, which took place from the 1910s to the 1930s, African American artists, writers, musicians, and intellectuals aimed to celebrate and promote African American culture and identity. They sought to challenge the prevailing stereotypes and prejudices against the African American community and highlight their contributions to society.

Specifically in literature, one of the main goals was to showcase the talents and capabilities of African American writers and portray the richness and complexity of African American life and experiences. African American authors, such as Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, and Claude McKay, played a significant role in this movement by writing works that explored themes of racial identity, discrimination, and the African American experience.

To find more specific goals in the Harlem Renaissance literature, you can explore the works of these authors and other writers from that era. Reading their literary works, essays, and interviews can provide insights into their intentions and objectives. It is also helpful to consult academic articles, books, and resources that analyze the literature of the Harlem Renaissance and discuss its goals and impacts.