
How do you work out the Inter Quartile range?

WHats the name for xbar and how do you work this out?


Interquartile range is the middle 50%, found by subtracting Q1 from Q3.

x bar is the sample mean. Add all the scores in the sample and divide by the number of scores.

Hi there!

To work out the interquartile range, you need to first find the first quartile (Q1) and the third quartile (Q3) of a dataset. Here's how you can do it:

1. Arrange the dataset in ascending order.
2. Find the median of the entire dataset. This will be your Q2.
3. If the dataset has an odd number of values, the first quartile (Q1) is the median of the lower half of the dataset, excluding Q2.
If the dataset has an even number of values, the first quartile (Q1) is the average of the two middle values of the lower half of the dataset, excluding Q2.
4. Similarly, if the dataset has an odd number of values, the third quartile (Q3) is the median of the upper half of the dataset, excluding Q2.
If the dataset has an even number of values, the third quartile (Q3) is the average of the two middle values of the upper half of the dataset, excluding Q2.
5. The interquartile range (IQR) is then calculated by subtracting the value of Q1 from the value of Q3: IQR = Q3 - Q1.

Regarding your second question, "x-bar" is known as the sample mean. The sample mean is a statistical measure that represents the average value of a dataset. To calculate the sample mean, follow these steps:

1. Add up all the values in the dataset.
2. Count the number of values in the dataset.
3. Divide the sum of all values by the count to get the sample mean.

I hope this helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can explain.