What is the author, Andrei Codrescu, trying to saying in "A Leafy Angel?"

What matters is what YOU THINK he is trying to say in that poem.


Follow ALL directions on this webpage -- including reading and rereading the poem as many times as it takes.

actually all that matters is what my instructor thinks it means

To understand what the author, Andrei Codrescu, is trying to convey in his poem "A Leafy Angel," we can start by analyzing the poem's content, structure, and themes. By examining these aspects, we can gain insights into the author's intended message.

Firstly, it's important to read and analyze the poem thoroughly. Look out for recurring motifs, imagery, or symbols that may help in understanding its meaning. Take note of any specific lines or words that stand out.

Next, consider the title, "A Leafy Angel." The juxtaposition of these two elements, "leafy" and "angel," can provide initial clues to the poem's theme. A leafy object typically symbolizes nature or growth, while an angel often represents spirituality or transcendence. Exploring how these elements are interconnected throughout the poem may give us a deeper understanding of the author's intent.

Additionally, analyze the poem's structure and form. Look at the rhythm, rhyme scheme, and overall flow. Pay attention to any shifts or patterns within the poem. These structural elements can offer insights into the author's poetic devices and their purpose in conveying meaning.

Furthermore, consider the historical or cultural context surrounding the poem. Researching about the author's background, cultural influences, or the time period in which the poem was written can provide valuable context for interpreting the poem.

Finally, it's important to remember that poetry is subjective and open to various interpretations. While the above steps can help guide our understanding, it's crucial to rely on our own analysis and personal interpretation of the poem as well.