1. _______

Tiene sólo nueve años.
a. ¿es su prima?
b. ¿tiene Ud. hambre?
c. ¿cuántos años tiene?
d. ¿cuántos años tienes?
I think it is D, but I do not understand the significance of an S on the end of tiene.

2. Soy hija única; ______
a. no tengo hijos
b. sólo tengo hermanos
c. no tengo hermanos
d. mí hermano se llama Tomás
I'm pretty sure it's B.

3. Me gustaría subir esa ________
a. cine
b. tarea
c. museo
d. pirámide
B. Cinema, pyramid, and museum does not make sense...but task?

4. ¿A quién quiere visitar Francisco?
a. no quiere visitar a francisco
b. Pablo quiere visitar a francisco
c. no quiere visitar ninguna parte
d. Francisco quiere visitar a su amiga

5. ¿Es vieja o ____ esta chaqueta?
a. nueva
b. joven
c. cara
d. rosada

6. Me encanta esa camiseta azul.
¿La tiene en _____?
a. amarilla
b. amarillas
c. amarillo
d. amarillos
A. Feminine/masculine endings always throw me off. I have no idea why.

7. ¿Compras _____ calcetines?
No, no los compro.
a. esos
b. ese
c. esa
d. esas
A. A and D both make sense, but again with those confusing endings.

8. Vivo en un apartamento. No tengo _____
a. que cortar el césped
b. que quitar la mesa
c. que poner la mesa
d. que sacudir los muebles
A. I ruled out b, c, and d, but I don't know if people in apartments cut their own grass.

Thanks in advance.

1. C; How old is he/she? He/she is 9 years old.

2. C; I am an only child; I have no siblings.
3. D; I would like to [climb] that pyramid.
4. D; Who does Francisco want to visit? Francisco wants to visit his friend (female).
5. A; Is this jacket old or new?
6. A; Esa camiseta is feminine.
7. A; Are you buying those socks?
8. A; I've never heard of that word but it definitely isn't B, C, or D.

I was way off on most of those, thanks for explaining and not just putting the correct letter.

And thank you for answering. I appreciate it.

1. The correct answer is D, "¿cuántos años tienes?" This question is asking about the age of the subject, which is "Tiene sólo nueve años" (It's only nine years old). The "S" at the end of "tiene" is used because it's conjugated to agree with the third-person singular subject "Tiene" (It has).

2. Yes, you are correct. The answer is B, "sólo tengo hermanos" (I only have siblings). "Hija única" means "only child," so the correct option is the one indicating having siblings.

3. The correct answer is B, "tarea" (task). In this sentence, "esa" indicates a feminine noun, and the only option that makes sense is "tarea" (task). "Cine" means "cinema," "museo" means "museum," and "pirámide" means "pyramid," which don't fit the sentence.

4. Correct again! The answer is B, "Pablo quiere visitar a Francisco" (Pablo wants to visit Francisco). This question asks who Francisco wants to visit, and the option B indicates that Pablo wants to visit Francisco.

5. No, the correct answer is A, "nueva" (new). The sentence is asking whether the jacket is old or something else. The opposite of old is "nueva" (new). The options "joven" (young), "cara" (expensive), and "rosada" (pink) are not appropriate in this context.

6. The correct answer is C, "amarillo" (yellow). In Spanish, adjectives change according to the gender and number of the noun they modify. Since "camiseta" (shirt) is a feminine singular noun, the correct form for "yellow" is "amarilla."

7. The correct answer is D, "esas" (those). The question asks if the person buys "those socks," so the answer should indicate a plural form. The feminine plural form of "those" is "esas."

8. Correct again! The answer is A, "que cortar el césped" (to mow the lawn). The sentence implies that living in an apartment means not having to do certain tasks, and one of those tasks is mowing the lawn. The other options (b, c, and d) don't make sense in this context.

Great job on answering these questions! If you have any more, feel free to ask.