So I just received a project from my english teacher.. and Dantes Inferno is our topic.

We have to choose one person. ( can be alive or dead) on the world to put in hell, for a sin or something and choose which level to put he/she on.

I'm doing george bush, and I'm not exactly sure what level of hell he would be on.
Could someone help me decide on the level?


I suggest you make a list of the faults you think President Bush has. Then check this article to see which circle comes closest to what you think his sins are.

I'd choose level seven -- but choose the level that you can most convincingly defend.

When analyzing which level of hell to assign to a person, it is important to consider their actions and the specific sins they may be associated with. In the case of George Bush, there can be varying opinions and perspectives. Keep in mind that this exercise is subjective and open to interpretation, as Dante's Inferno is a work of fiction. That being said, here are a few considerations that might help you decide on the level for your project:

1. Research George Bush's actions: Examine his political career, particularly during his presidency, and evaluate the decisions, policies, and their consequences. Consider controversies such as the Iraq War, Hurricane Katrina response, or the use of enhanced interrogation techniques.

2. Identify relevant sins: Based on your research, match the actions to the sins described in Dante's Inferno. For example, sins associated with violence, deceit, fraud, or betrayal might be applicable.

3. Compare to Dante's nine circles of hell: Dante's Inferno categorizes sins into nine circles, each representing different sins and their corresponding punishments. Study each circle and its associated sins to determine the level that aligns most closely with George Bush's actions.

4. Consider possible levels: Depending on your analysis, possibilities for George Bush's placement might include the sixth circle (Heresy) for controversial decisions, the seventh circle (Violence) if violence and war-related actions are emphasized, or the eighth circle (Fraud) if deceit or abuse of power are the primary focus.

Ultimately, the specific level you choose should be supported by your research and interpretation. Be prepared to justify your choice by explaining how the person's actions align with the sins associated with that level. Remember, this is a creative exercise, and different individuals may assign different levels based on their own perspectives and assessments.