A car for $40 a day plus 21c per mile. You are on a daily budget of $82. What milagae will allow you to stay within your budget?

20 miles

199 miles

solve for x

.21x + 40 = 82
.21x = 42
x = 42/.21 = 200

going 200 miles will cost exactly $82

To determine the mileage that will allow you to stay within your budget, we need to consider the daily cost for the car rental and the maximum budget you have.

First, let's calculate the daily cost for the car rental. The car costs $40 per day.

Next, let's calculate the maximum amount you can spend on mileage. Subtract the daily car rental cost from your total budget: $82 - $40 = $42.

Now, we need to calculate how many miles you can drive with the remaining $42 in your budget (assuming 21 cents per mile). Divide the available budget by the cost per mile: $42 / $0.21 = 200 miles.

Therefore, you can drive up to 200 miles to stay within your budget of $82.