I forgot two include these two very last sentences. Thank you.

1) You can write either on the photocopy or on the fool-scap paper (I don't know if it is correct)
2)Present the character of the prioress, pointing out her appearance, her attitude towards her fellow creatures as well as her flaws. How would you define Chaucer's language in describing her?

1 is correct.

2 needs a comma after "creatures" -- the rest is fine.

No problem! Let's address each question:

1) "You can write either on the photocopy or on the foolscap paper."

To determine if the phrase "foolscap paper" is correct, we can break it down. Firstly, "foolscap" refers to a type of paper size that is typically around 8.5 x 13.5 inches, slightly larger than the standard letter size. The term "foolscap" originated from the watermark of a jester's cap that used to be printed on this type of paper.

Secondly, to check if the phrase "foolscap paper" is commonly used, we can search for it online or in reputable sources. You may find that it is indeed used, primarily in British English and Commonwealth countries, to refer to a specific type of writing paper.

So, in summary, it is correct to say "You can write either on the photocopy or on the foolscap paper."

2) "Present the character of the prioress, pointing out her appearance, her attitude towards her fellow creatures as well as her flaws. How would you define Chaucer's language in describing her?"

To answer this question, we need to consider Geoffrey Chaucer's work, specifically "The Canterbury Tales." In this collection of stories, Chaucer provides vivid descriptions of various characters, including the prioress.

To begin, you can analyze the prioress's appearance by examining the details provided by Chaucer. These might include her physical features, attire, and any symbolic elements that contribute to her overall appearance.

Next, you can evaluate the prioress's attitude towards her fellow creatures, such as humans and animals. Look for specific actions, reactions, or beliefs that reflect her stance on how she treats others.

Lastly, consider the flaws that are attributed to the prioress. These could be moral, behavioral, or societal shortcomings that Chaucer highlights in his writing.

In terms of Chaucer's language, you can analyze his use of similes, metaphors, descriptive phrases, or specific vocabulary choices to better understand how he portrays the prioress. Pay attention to any patterns or unique stylistic features that contribute to his overall characterization.

Overall, by examining Chaucer's descriptions and the literary techniques he employs, you can present a thorough analysis of the prioress's character and Chaucer's language.