A hunk of cast concrete with a weight of 10 N will float if it displaces 10

N of water.

I think you forgot to include the actual question part...

To understand whether the hunk of cast concrete will float or not, we need to compare its weight to the buoyant force acting on it when submerged in water.

The weight of an object is the force exerted by gravity on it. In this case, the weight of the concrete hunk is given as 10 Newtons (N).

The buoyant force is the upward force exerted by a fluid (in this case, water) on an immersed object. It depends on the density of the fluid and the volume of the object submerged in it. According to Archimedes' principle, the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

The statement mentions that the concrete hunk displaces 10 N of water. This means that it displaces 10 Newtons of weight. So, the buoyant force acting on the concrete hunk will be 10 N.

Now, to determine if the hunk of cast concrete will float, we compare the weight of the object (10 N) to the buoyant force (10 N). If the weight is greater than the buoyant force, the object will sink. If the weight is less than or equal to the buoyant force, the object will float.

In this case, since the weight of the concrete hunk (10 N) is equal to the buoyant force (10 N) when submerged in water, it will float.