when copper sulphide is heated a new product is form in white colour plz explain me the whole process..

When copper sulphide is heated, a chemical reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of a new product called copper oxide (CuO) which is white in color. Here's a step-by-step explanation of the process:

1. The reaction begins by placing copper sulphide (CuS) in a container or on a heat-resistant surface.

2. When heat is applied to the copper sulphide, the energy causes the compound to undergo a chemical reaction known as thermal decomposition.

3. During thermal decomposition, the copper sulphide breaks down into its constituent elements through the process of oxidation. The heat provides the activation energy required for this reaction to occur.

4. Copper sulphide (CuS) consists of copper (Cu) and sulphur (S). When heated, copper sulphide reacts with oxygen (O2) present in the air.

5. The oxygen in the air combines with the copper in the copper sulphide to form copper oxide (CuO). The reaction can be represented by the following equation:

2CuS + 3O2 → 2CuO + 2SO2

This equation shows that two molecules of copper sulphide react with three molecules of oxygen to produce two molecules of copper oxide and two molecules of sulphur dioxide gas (SO2) as a byproduct.

6. Copper oxide (CuO) is a white solid with a different chemical structure compared to copper sulphide. This change in structure results in the change in color from the original blackish-gray of the copper sulphide to white in the copper oxide.

7. The sulphur dioxide gas produced during the reaction is also formed as a byproduct. This gas is released into the air.

Overall, the process of heating copper sulphide leads to the formation of copper oxide, which is white in color, along with the release of sulphur dioxide gas.