where can we students find the best answers attempted by the highest scorers in past years on A level Law exam? can we get any clear answer structure which helps us know how to attempt an A grade answer?

Try some of these sites.


To find the best answers attempted by the highest scorers on the A Level Law exam from previous years, there are several resources and strategies you can try:

1. Official Exam Boards: Start by visiting the official website of the exam board that conducts the A Level Law exam in your country. They often provide past papers and examiner's reports, which contain model answers and guidance on how to structure your answers for the highest grades.

2. Past Papers: Look for past papers available on the exam board's website or other reputable educational websites. These papers will showcase the questions that have been asked in previous years. While the official marking schemes might not be available, they can still give you an idea of the expected structure and content of high-scoring answers.

3. Revision Guides and Textbooks: Consult popular A Level Law revision guides and textbooks. These resources often include model answers or annotated sample answers that demonstrate how to structure and approach different types of questions.

4. Online Communities and Forums: Online platforms such as student forums, social media groups, or educational websites might host discussions where students share and discuss their experiences, study strategies, and even their own attempts at past exam questions. Engaging with these communities can help you gain insights into successful answer structures and approaches.

5. Academic Tutoring: If possible, seek help from a private tutor or attend revision classes specifically tailored for A Level Law. Tutors often have access to a wider range of resources and can provide personalized guidance to help you understand how to answer exam questions effectively.

Remember that merely studying model answers is not enough. It is essential to understand the underlying legal principles, statutory provisions, and case law relevant to each topic. Developing strong analytical and evaluative skills, along with effective time management during the exam, are also crucial for achieving top grades.