A relational database for a real-world client what would be the example ?

Financial institutions and banks, retail outlets, government services, education institutions, in fact, any organization which deals with multiple facets of the business.

To create a relational database for a real-world client, you need to understand the requirements and purpose of the database. Here's an example scenario to illustrate this:

Let's say your real-world client is a fictional online marketplace called "EcommerceMart." EcommerceMart wants to manage their product inventory, customer data, and purchase history efficiently.

To design a relational database for this client, you would identify the entities (objects) involved. In this case, some key entities include "Products," "Customers," "Orders," and "Order Items."

Next, you would establish the relationships between these entities. For example, each order can have multiple order items, and each order belongs to a specific customer.

You would also define attributes (properties) for each entity. For example, the "Products" entity may have attributes like "product ID," "product name," "price," and "quantity in stock." The "Customers" entity can have attributes like "customer ID," "name," "email," and "address."

To organize this information in the form of tables, you would create a schema. This schema would consist of several tables, such as "Products," "Customers," "Orders," and "Order Items." Each table would have columns representing the attributes mentioned earlier.

To establish relationships between these tables, you would use primary and foreign keys. For example, the "Orders" table may have a primary key column "order ID," which would also serve as a foreign key in the "Order Items" table to link the order and order items.

Additionally, you could create additional tables or modify existing ones based on specific requirements. For instance, you might have a separate table to store categories or suppliers related to products.

By designing this relational database for EcommerceMart, you can effectively store, manage, and retrieve data related to products, customers, orders, and order items. This would provide a solid foundation for various operations, such as inventory management, customer analytics, and generating reports.