This is for tomorrow and i'm in trouble with this puzzle, please help:ACROSS 9 letters and start with (au)the hint is groups of people who watch or listen to a show, speech, or other performance.

Down:It starts off with (aw) and the hint is: a synonym for uncomfortable or ungraceful, and it has 7 letters. The next word has (aw) as the 4 and 5 letters out of 7 in total, and the hint is: when the parrot is upset, it makes this noise. The next word is with (au) and it is the 2 and 3 letter out of 6 in total, and the hint is: A leaky ____ goes drip,drip,drip into the sink. The next word is with (au) and it is the 4 and 5 letter out of 7 letters in total, the hint is: I want to eat ____ I am hungry. The next word is with (au) and it is the 2 and 3 letter out of 6 letters in total, and the hint is: what you do to a rocket to get it into space. thanks for the help

This will be much easier to read:

ACROSS 9 letters and start with (au)the hint is groups of people who watch or listen to a show, speech, or other performance.


Down:It starts off with (aw) and the hint is: a synonym for uncomfortable or ungraceful, and it has 7 letters.


The next word has (aw) as the 4 and 5 letters out of 7 in total, and the hint is: when the parrot is upset, it makes this noise.

The next word is with (au) and it is the 2 and 3 letter out of 6 in total, and the hint is: A leaky ____ goes drip,drip,drip into the sink.

The next word is with (au) and it is the 4 and 5 letter out of 7 letters in total, the hint is: I want to eat ____ I am hungry.

The next word is with (au) and it is the 2 and 3 letter out of 6 letters in total, and the hint is: what you do to a rocket to get it into space.

Can you figure out the others?

No i have been trying to figure it out for hours and nothing yet...

The next word is with (au) and it is the 2 and 3 letter out of 6 in total, and the hint is: A leaky ____ goes drip,drip,drip into the sink. begins with F

The next word is with (au) and it is the 4 and 5 letter out of 7 letters in total, the hint is: I want to eat ____ I am hungry. begins with B

the leaky word is: FAUCET and i want to eat BECAUSE i am hungry and the last one is LAUNCH...THANKS

question 4 answer breakfast

can you please tell me what is the answer to the When the parrot is hungry it makes this noise??? thanks


A synonym for uncomfortable or ungraceful

To solve the puzzle, follow these steps:

- The word is 9 letters long and starts with "au".
- The hint suggests that it refers to groups of people who watch or listen to a show, speech, or other performance.

To find the answer, begin by searching for synonyms of "groups of people" that start with "au". One such word that fits the description is "audiences".

- The first word starts with "aw" and has 7 letters.
- The hint says it is a synonym for uncomfortable or ungraceful.

Again, search for synonyms of "uncomfortable" or "ungraceful" that start with "aw". One possible answer is "awkward".

- The next word has "aw" as the 4th and 5th letters out of a total of 7 letters.
- The hint suggests that it refers to a noise a parrot makes when upset.

Think of a noise associated with an upset parrot, and you will find that "squawk" fits the description.

- The next word is 6 letters long and has "au" as the 2nd and 3rd letters.
- The hint indicates that it is something that drips into the sink.

Considering the description, the answer could be "faucet". A leaky faucet would drip into the sink.

- The following word has "au" as the 4th and 5th letters out of a total of 7 letters.
- The hint implies that it relates to being hungry.

Looking for a word associated with hunger, you will find "famished" as a possible answer.

- The last word is 6 letters long and has "au" as the 2nd and 3rd letters.
- The hint suggests it relates to getting a rocket into space.

Considering the hint, the answer might be "launch". To get a rocket into space, you need to launch it.

Overall, the answers to the puzzle are: