how to solve 2.4-m/q=-1.73 and 3.6-m/q=1.27


+ 1.27

Eq1: 2.4 - m/q = -1.73.

Eq2: 3.6 - m/q = 1.27.

Let m/q = X:

Eq1: Y = 2.4 - X = -1.73,
Y = X - 1.73 = 2.4,
Y = X - 4.13.

Eq2: Y = 3.6 - X = 1.27,
Y = 3.6 = X - 1.27,
Y = X - 4.87.

m1 = m2 = 1.
The slopes are equal. Therefore, the
lines are parallel and do not intersect. S0 there is no solution.


+ 1.27

To solve the equations 2.4-m/q=-1.73 and 3.6-m/q=1.27, we need to isolate the variables m and q.

Step 1: Start with the first equation, 2.4-m/q=-1.73. Multiply both sides of the equation by q to eliminate the denominator:

2.4q - m = -1.73q

Step 2: Next, move the m term to the other side of the equation by adding m to both sides:

2.4q + m = -1.73q + m

Step 3: Now, let's move on to the second equation, 3.6-m/q=1.27. Multiply both sides of the equation by q:

3.6q - m = 1.27q

Step 4: Similar to step 2, move the m term to the other side of the equation by adding m to both sides:

3.6q + m = 1.27q + m

Step 5: Since the expressions 2.4q + m and 3.6q + m are equal to -1.73q + m and 1.27q + m, respectively, we can set them equal to each other:

2.4q + m = 3.6q + m

Step 6: Now, subtract m from both sides of the equation:

2.4q = 3.6q

Step 7: Subtracting 2.4q from 3.6q, we get:

1.2q = 0

Step 8: Divide both sides of the equation by 1.2 to solve for q:

q = 0

Step 9: Now that we have the value of q, we can substitute it back into one of the original equations to find m. Let's pick the first equation, 2.4-m/q=-1.73:

2.4-m/0 = -1.73

Since we cannot divide by zero, this equation has no solution for m.

In summary, the solution to the given system of equations is q = 0, and there is no solution for m.