How much sulfuric acid is neede to dissole 200 pounds of nickel powder

To determine the amount of sulfuric acid needed to dissolve 200 pounds of nickel powder, we need to consider the chemical equation for the reaction between sulfuric acid and nickel.

The chemical equation for the reaction between sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nickel (Ni) is:

H2SO4 + Ni -> NiSO4 + H2

From the balanced equation, we can see that one mole of sulfuric acid reacts with one mole of nickel to produce one mole of nickel sulfate and one mole of hydrogen gas.

To determine the amount of sulfuric acid required, we need to know the molar mass of nickel powder. Let's assume the molar mass of nickel is approximately 58.7 g/mol.

First, convert the weight of nickel powder from pounds to grams:

200 pounds × 453.6 g/pound = 90720 grams

Next, calculate the number of moles of nickel powder:

moles of nickel = mass of nickel powder / molar mass of nickel
moles of nickel = 90720 g / 58.7 g/mol = 1548.1 moles

Since the stoichiometry of the reaction is 1 mole of H2SO4 to 1 mole of Ni, we need an equal number of moles of sulfuric acid. Therefore, we need approximately 1548.1 moles of sulfuric acid.

Now, to convert moles of sulfuric acid to its weight in grams or pounds, we need to know its molar mass. The molar mass of sulfuric acid is approximately 98.1 g/mol.

Grams of sulfuric acid = moles of sulfuric acid × molar mass of sulfuric acid
Grams of sulfuric acid = 1548.1 moles × 98.1 g/mol = 151,795.61 grams

To convert grams to pounds, divide by 453.6:

Pounds of sulfuric acid = grams of sulfuric acid / 453.6
Pounds of sulfuric acid = 151,795.61 g / 453.6 = 334.85 pounds

Therefore, approximately 334.85 pounds of sulfuric acid is needed to dissolve 200 pounds of nickel powder.