no hablarse / pero / ellos mirarse profundamente

No se hablaban pero ellos se miraban profundamente.

inmediatamente / la muchacha y el muchacho / enamorarse

La muchacha y el muchacho se enamoraron inmediatamente.

ellos / abrazarse / y / besarse / aquella tarde

Ellos se abrazaron y se besaron aquella tarde.

I changed the 3 one but the first 2 I still don't understand.

It's always a good idea to number them so we are both on the same item.

1. No se hablaron pero ellos se miraron profundamente.

2. ¡perfecto!

3. ¡perfecto también!

el imperfecto = se hablaban y se miraban = they WERE talkING and they WERE lookING at each other.

el préterito = se hablaron y se miraron = they DID talk to each other and they DID look at each other.

The reason for 2 past tenses is to set up the description of what WAS goING on with the imperfecto and then having the action with the pretérito.


In the first two phrases, the actions are described using reflexive verbs in Spanish. Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject is both the doer and the receiver of the action.

1. "No se hablaban pero ellos se miraban profundamente."
In this sentence, "no se hablaban" means "they were not talking to each other," and "se miraban profundamente" means "they were looking at each other deeply." The use of the reflexive pronoun "se" in both verbs indicates that the subjects were performing the action on themselves.

To understand the meaning, you can break down the sentence:
- "No se hablaban": "No" means "not," "se" is the reflexive pronoun, and "hablaban" is the past tense form of the verb "hablar" meaning "to talk." So, "no se hablaban" means "they were not talking to each other."
- "Ellos se miraban profundamente": "Ellos" means "they," "se" is the reflexive pronoun, "miraban" is the past tense form of the verb "mirar" meaning "to look," and "profundamente" means "deeply." So, "ellos se miraban profundamente" means "they were looking at each other deeply."

2. "La muchacha y el muchacho se enamoraron inmediatamente."
Here, "se enamoraron" means "they fell in love." Again, the reflexive pronoun "se" indicates that the subjects were experiencing the action themselves.

To understand the meaning, let's break down the sentence:
- "La muchacha y el muchacho": "La muchacha" means "the girl" and "el muchacho" means "the boy." So, "la muchacha y el muchacho" means "the girl and the boy."
- "se enamoraron": "se" is the reflexive pronoun, and "enamoraron" is the past tense form of the verb "enamorarse" meaning "to fall in love." So, "se enamoraron" means "they fell in love."
- "inmediatamente": means "immediately," indicating that the action happened quickly.