A quiz has 10 questions Aaron gets 3/5 of the questions right. How many questions did Aaron get right?

Is that how I should explain it to my 3rd grade child?

Check your child's book to see how it presents multiplying a fraction by a whole number.

Too bad her book is at school, shes going to ask her teacher to explain it to her. Thanks for your help!

A quiz has 8 questions. Aaron gets 1/2 of the questions correct. How many questions did Aaron get correct? idk bruh

To find the number of questions Aaron got right, we need to multiply the total number of questions by the fraction of questions he got right (3/5).

So, we can set up the equation:

Number of questions Aaron got right = Total number of questions × Fraction of questions he got right

Number of questions Aaron got right = 10 × (3/5)

To multiply a number by a fraction, we multiply the numerators (top numbers) and the denominators (bottom numbers) separately:

Number of questions Aaron got right = (10 × 3) / 5

Multiplying 10 by 3 gives us 30.

Number of questions Aaron got right = 30 / 5

Dividing 30 by 5 gives us 6.

Therefore, Aaron got 6 questions right out of a total of 10 questions.

(3/5) * (10/1) = 30/5 = 6