It tells the location of somethind.It is spesific.Every place on a map has this.What is it?

Every place on a map has an exact location. This is usually marked with latitude and longitude, also called coordinates.

Sorry is it position?

I don't know what your book says. I don't think "position" meets your description.

The answer to your question is a coordinate.

To determine the location of something on a map, we use coordinates, which are a set of numerical values that specify its position. Coordinates consist of two components: latitude and longitude.

Latitude refers to the distance north or south from the equator and is measured in degrees. It ranges from 0 degrees at the equator to 90 degrees at the North and South Poles. Longitude, on the other hand, represents the distance east or west from the Prime Meridian (which runs through Greenwich, London). Like latitude, longitude is also measured in degrees and ranges from 0 degrees at the Prime Meridian to 180 degrees at the International Date Line.

These coordinates pinpoint a specific location on the Earth's surface, allowing us to identify any place on a map with accuracy.