I have to compare and constrast the funeral orations of Mark Antony and Marcus Brutus. What I need is a thesis statement for this paper and everything I come up with sounds lame. I'm not getting the message across. Could you help me?

A thesis statement includes not only factual information but also YOUR POSITION (your opinion) about those facts.

What do you want to say about these two orations?

Certainly! When developing a strong thesis statement for comparing and contrasting the funeral orations of Mark Antony and Marcus Brutus, it's important to focus on the key differences in their rhetorical strategies, goals, and outcomes. Here's a possible thesis statement:

"Although both Mark Antony and Marcus Brutus deliver funeral orations in Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar,' they employ distinct rhetorical techniques, with Antony utilizing emotional appeals and manipulation to incite a rebellion against the conspirators, while Brutus employs logical arguments to justify the assassination and maintain public support."

This thesis statement highlights the contrasting strategies employed by both characters, emphasizing Antony's emotional manipulation and Brutus' logical reasoning. It sets the stage for a comprehensive analysis of their orations, allowing you to dive deeper into their speeches and substantiate your points throughout the paper.