Which of the following strategies did the NAACP employ to secure civil rights for

A. Urging African Americans to vote for Democrats in return for support of civil rights legislation in Congressfrican Americans in the 1920s?
B. Efforts to gain entrance to labor unions for African American workers
C. Legal challenges to disfranchisement and segregation, and lobbying for a federal anti-lynching bill
D. Promoting civil disobedience in Southern cities
E. Promoting "Negro nationalism"

What do YOU think the answer is? Be sure to check your book to learn about the strategies employed by the NAACP.

i think its C


The correct answer is C. Legal challenges to disfranchisement and segregation, and lobbying for a federal anti-lynching bill.

To reach this answer, we need to examine each strategy and determine which one the NAACP employed during the 1920s. Here's how you can approach this question:

A. Urging African Americans to vote for Democrats in return for support of civil rights legislation in Congress: While the NAACP did advocate for African American voting rights, they did not specifically urge African Americans to vote for Democrats.

B. Efforts to gain entrance to labor unions for African American workers: While the NAACP was concerned with equal rights in the workplace, their main focus during the 1920s was on challenging disfranchisement and segregation, rather than labor union entry.

C. Legal challenges to disfranchisement and segregation, and lobbying for a federal anti-lynching bill: This is the correct answer. The NAACP used legal challenges to fight against disfranchisement (the denial of voting rights) and segregation (racial segregation), and also lobbied for a federal anti-lynching bill.

D. Promoting civil disobedience in Southern cities: The NAACP did engage in civil rights activism, but during the 1920s their approach was primarily focused on legal challenges and lobbying.

E. Promoting "Negro nationalism": While some African American activists and organizations promoted "Negro nationalism" during the 1920s, this was not a primary strategy employed by the NAACP.

By considering the specific strategies mentioned and understanding the historical context of the NAACP's activities during the 1920s, we can determine that the correct strategy employed by the NAACP to secure civil rights during that period was C. Legal challenges to disfranchisement and segregation, and lobbying for a federal anti-lynching bill.