Yellow, green, and red chips are placed in a bag. The odds against pulling a green chip are 2/5. What is the probability of pulling a green chip?

3/5. 5/5 - 2/5 = 3/5 chance of pulling out a green chip.

To find the probability of pulling a green chip, we need to first determine the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

Let's assume the total number of chips in the bag is represented by 'x'.

Given that the odds against pulling a green chip are 2/5, we can determine the number of unfavorable outcomes. The odds against pulling a green chip means that the probability of not getting a green chip is 2/5. So the number of unfavorable outcomes is (2/5)x.

The total number of possible outcomes is represented by 'x', and the number of favorable outcomes is the number of green chips in the bag, which we'll call 'g'.

Now, the probability of pulling a green chip can be calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes:

Probability of pulling a green chip (P) = number of favorable outcomes / total number of possible outcomes
P = g / x

And since the odds against pulling a green chip are 2/5, the probability of not getting a green chip can be calculated as:

Probability of not getting a green chip = number of unfavorable outcomes / total number of possible outcomes
P(not green) = (2/5)x / x
P(not green) = 2/5

Since the sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is always 1, we can conclude that:

P(not green) + P(green) = 1

Substituting P(not green) with 2/5, we can solve for P(green):

2/5 + P(green) = 1
P(green) = 1 - 2/5
P(green) = 3/5

Therefore, the probability of pulling a green chip is 3/5.