how did ancient texts and statues affect renaissance scholars?

Ancient texts and statues played a significant role in influencing Renaissance scholars in several ways. The rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman texts during the Renaissance period sparked a renewed interest in classical literature, philosophy, and architecture. Scholars eagerly studied these ancient texts, which were translated into vernacular languages like Italian, French, and English, allowing broader access to their content.

1. Knowledge and Education: Ancient texts provided scholars with a wealth of knowledge, enabling them to explore a wider range of subjects. For example, Greek and Roman philosophical works, such as those by Plato and Aristotle, introduced new ideas and theories that challenged medieval traditions and provided fresh perspectives.

2. Humanism: The study of ancient texts promoted the rise of humanism, a philosophical and intellectual movement that emphasized human potential, achievements, and worth. Humanist scholars employed critical thinking and focused on the value of the individual, leading to a shift in thinking away from the Church-centered worldview of the Middle Ages.

3. Artistic Inspiration: Renaissance artists turned to ancient statues, particularly Greco-Roman sculptures, as models for their work. The realistic portrayal of the human form in ancient art served as a guide for painters and sculptors, who sought to emulate this classical aesthetic. Artists also drew inspiration from ancient mythical stories, as depicted in ancient texts, for their paintings and sculptures.

4. Architectural Revival: Ancient architectural treatises, such as Vitruvius' "Ten Books on Architecture," influenced Renaissance architects. These texts provided insights on symmetry, proportion, and the use of classical orders (e.g., Doric, Ionic, Corinthian), which became fundamental elements in Renaissance architectural design.

In essence, the study of ancient texts and the observation of ancient statues became a catalyst for intellectual and artistic exploration during the Renaissance. Scholars utilized the knowledge gained from these sources to challenge existing beliefs, inspire new artistic forms, and shape the cultural and intellectual landscape of Europe at the time.

they had to study it wich helped them learn more about the culture of ancients.

They sought the knowledge and esthetics of the ancients.