The Lady of Shalott

I have two events and have to find the quotation.

1st event
The handsome, dazzling figure of Sir Lancelot rides by in his shining armour. The Lady sees him in the mirror and can no longer bear her imprisonment.

2nd event
The Lady floats down the river past Camelot in a boat with her name written on the bows.

Please see other post dated March 19th at 3.45pm. Thanks

For the first if you have to choose between the first and the second, I'd go with the second.

For the second, I'd go with a.


Thankyou very much. Much appreciated :).


To find the quotations corresponding to the two events you mentioned in the poem "The Lady of Shalott," you can refer to the text of the poem itself. Here's how you can locate the quotations:

1st event:
In this event, the Lady of Shalott sees Sir Lancelot riding by in his shining armor and can no longer bear her imprisonment. To find the quotation for this event, you can search for the section in the poem where this scene is described. The best way to do this is to find an online version of the poem or refer to the physical copy of the poem you have. Look for the lines that describe the Lady's reaction to seeing Sir Lancelot. It might be helpful to look for keywords related to the event, such as "Sir Lancelot," "shining armor," or "imprisonment." Once you find the relevant section, you will come across the quotation that describes the Lady's response to seeing Sir Lancelot.

2nd event:
In this event, the Lady of Shalott floats down the river past Camelot in a boat with her name written on the bows. Similarly, you will need to locate the section in the poem that depicts this event. Again, you can search for an online version of the poem or refer to the physical copy. Look for the lines that describe the Lady's journey down the river and any references to Camelot or her boat. You can use keywords such as "river," "Camelot," or "boat" to help you find the relevant section. Within that section, you will find the quotation that describes the Lady floating past Camelot in her boat.

By carefully reading and searching through the poem, you will be able to locate the specific quotations that correspond to each of the events you mentioned.