Each of the Spanish sentences below is incorrect in either grammar or meaning. Rewrite each sentence

1.La princesa todavía canta.
The princess used to sing.

my answer:
La pincesa cantaba.

2.¿Con quién llora la reina?
Who does the queen sing with?

my answer:
¿Con quién canta la reina?

3.¿Cómo canta la reina?
Where does the queen sing?

my answer:
¿Dónde conta la reina?

#3 = check verb as it is "canta" and not "conta"

BTW, The English of #2 is in error! = With whom does the queen sing?


To rewrite the sentences correctly, you need to consider the context and grammar rules of the Spanish language. Here's the revised version of each sentence:

1. La princesa todavía canta.
Corrected sentence: La princesa sigue cantando.
Explanation: "Todavía" means "still" or "yet," indicating that the princess is still singing. Therefore, the correct verb form is "sigue cantando," which means "continues to sing."

2. ¿Con quién llora la reina?
Corrected sentence: ¿Con quién canta la reina?
Explanation: "Llorar" means "to cry," not "to sing." To ask "Who does the queen sing with?" the verb "cantar" should be used, so the correct question is "¿Con quién canta la reina?"

3. ¿Cómo canta la reina?
Corrected sentence: ¿Dónde canta la reina?
Explanation: "Cómo" means "how," not "where." To ask "Where does the queen sing?" the word "dónde" is needed, so the correct question is "¿Dónde canta la reina?"

3. ¿Dónde canta la reina?