Hi there!

I'm having trouble understanding this:

"Clearly define the term Ecumenism, including the four key elements"
- My teacher said that the four elements are unity of faith
unity oin sacramental life
unity of Mission. What's the third one and ...i just don't understand what you have to do here...

They also say to give details about the NCCA + the 'Pilgrimage Resurrection'...What does that mean (Pilgrimage Resurrection)?

And does anyone know of a document from Church or one passage the speaks on Ecumenism besides Ut Unum Sint By John Paul II of May 25, 1995

Read widely in the search results link below:


Don't be afraid to read Wikipedia articles. There's good information there. AND ... as with all Wikipedia search results, be sure to check out all the external links and further references at the bottom of each Wikipedia page.

Your question here:

"Clearly define the term Ecumenism, including the four key elements"
- My teacher said that the four elements are unity of faith
unity oin sacramental life
unity of Mission. What's the third one and ...i just don't understand what you have to do here...

Is confusing. The question says there are 4, you listed 3, then asked what number 3 is.

To complete this, you have to first describe what Ecumenism is. Ecumenism is the idea that Christian Traditions and Faiths can all share in a common dialogue about Christianity. This dialog will help people understand God and their faith more clearly. I haven't heard it described exactly how you are, and many people describe it different ways. If you can't remember the 4th one, here are some guesses:
--Unity of Salvation
--Unity of Scripture
--Unity of Theology

Do any of those ring a bell? I would ask what the 4th is. Either way, you will have to describe all of those after you give your definition.

For another document, you may want to look at this one:

I've not heard of the NCAA Pilgrimage Resurrection. I'm 100% ignorant on that.

Hello! I'm here to help you understand and answer your questions. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Definition of Ecumenism: Ecumenism refers to efforts towards promoting unity and cooperation among different Christian denominations. It aims to overcome divisions and strengthen common beliefs and practices.

2. Four Elements of Ecumenism: Your teacher mentioned three elements of Ecumenism. Here's the fourth one: The fourth element of Ecumenism is unity of worship. This includes striving for a common form and practice of worship among different Christian traditions.

3. NCCA (National Council of Churches in Australia): The NCCA is an organization composed of various Christian denominations in Australia. It provides a platform for dialogue and cooperation among these churches, fostering unity and representing their common interests.

4. Pilgrimage Resurrection: "Pilgrimage Resurrection" seems to be a specific term or event that you need more information about. Without further context, it's difficult to provide a precise explanation. However, in general, "pilgrimage" refers to a journey to a religious site or destination for spiritual or religious reasons. "Resurrection" refers to the Christian belief in the rising of Jesus Christ from the dead. It could be helpful to seek clarification from your teacher about the specific meaning of "Pilgrimage Resurrection" in your context.

5. Other Church documents or passages on Ecumenism: Besides "Ut Unum Sint" by Pope John Paul II, there are other important Church documents that address Ecumenism. For example:
- The Second Vatican Council's document "Unitatis Redintegratio" (Decree on Ecumenism) provides a comprehensive understanding of the Church's commitment to Ecumenism.
- The World Council of Churches' document "Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry" (also known as the "Lima Document") explores common theological grounds among different Christian traditions.

To find these documents or passages, you can search online by their titles or visit a local library that has resources on theology and Church documents. Reading these sources will give you more in-depth information about Ecumenism and its importance in Christian dialogue and understanding.

I hope this explanation helps! Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.