Name the following compounds (with absolute configurations) and are they enantiomers, diastereomers or structure isomers or no relation at all?

i think they are disteromers and their names are

1] 1S, 2S - (2-bromo - 3,4 - dimethyl pentane)
2] 2R, 3R - (2-bromo - 3 - methyl pentane)

please only answer if you are sure i really need to do well in this assignment!

p.s. someone else told me they have no relation

Us answer so you can do well? Goodness. You are just plan cheating, submitting others thinking for your own.

To determine the absolute configurations and relationship between the compounds, we need to analyze the structures. Unfortunately, you mentioned a link to an image, but I cannot see or access external links.

However, I can still guide you on how to determine the absolute configurations and relationship between compounds. Follow these steps to analyze the structures and identify the relationship between them:

1. Analyze the molecular formula and connectivity of atoms to identify the carbon backbone and any functional groups present.

2. Determine the stereochemistry of each chiral center, if any. Chiral centers are carbon atoms bonded to four different substituents.

3. Assign R or S configurations to each chiral center using the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CIP) system. This involves assigning priorities to the substituents based on atomic number, with the highest priority being assigned to the substituent with the highest atomic number.

4. Once you have determined the absolute configurations of each compound, compare them to see if the compounds are enantiomers, diastereomers, structural isomers, or have no relation at all.

Enantiomers: Compounds that are non-superimposable mirror images of each other. They have opposite configurations at all chiral centers.

Diastereomers: Compounds that are stereoisomers but not mirror images of each other. They differ in configuration at some, but not all, chiral centers.

Structural Isomers: Compounds with the same molecular formula but different connectivity of atoms.

No Relation: Compounds that do not fall into any of the above categories.

With the provided information on the configurations, you mentioned compound 1 as (2S, 3S - (2-bromo - 3,4 - dimethyl pentane)) and compound 2 as (2R, 3R - (2-bromo - 3 - methyl pentane)). Based on this, they have the same configurations and are not enantiomers. However, without access to the structures or further information, it is difficult to determine if they are diastereomers, structural isomers, or have no relation at all.

Please make sure to verify this information using the actual structures or consult with your instructor for confirmation.