rosie tried to use a maganet to stick a memo on to her mirror it would'nt stick.

explain why!

probably because the mirror doesn't conduct magnetic charges which i think is a type of electrical charge. i am not 100% maybe this will get you started

Read through several/all of the answers here.

There could be a few reasons why Rosie's magnet didn't stick to her mirror. In order to understand why, let's explore how magnets work and how mirrors are made.

Magnets have two poles, a north pole and a south pole. These poles have opposite charges and attract each other. When a magnet comes in contact with certain materials, like iron or steel, the magnetic force pulls them together. This is how magnets are able to stick to things.

However, mirrors are different. Mirrors are made by coating a glass surface with a thin layer of metal, typically aluminum or silver. This metal layer reflects light and creates the reflective surface we see in mirrors. Unlike iron or steel, the metal coating used in mirrors is not magnetic. Therefore, magnets are unable to stick directly to mirrors, as there is no magnetic attraction between them.

If Rosie wants to stick a memo on her mirror, she would need to use a method other than magnets. Some options include using adhesive tapes, sticky notes, or magnetic clips attached to the mirror frame rather than directly to the mirror's surface.

In summary, Rosie's magnet didn't stick to her mirror because mirrors are made with a non-magnetic metal coating, which means there is no magnetic attraction between magnets and mirrors.