name three solutions of inequality. then graph the inequality on a number line. k<8

k= 7,6,5...

and draw it on the number line start at seven and go all the way to zero (or past)

if k is less than 8, k could be 1, 2, 3, -5 or many things.

To find three solutions of the inequality k < 8, we can choose any values for k that are less than 8. Here are three examples:

1. k = 7
2. k = 0
3. k = -5

Now let's graph the inequality on a number line.

First, draw a number line and place a point on the number 8. Since the inequality is k < 8, the point at 8 will be an open circle. This indicates that 8 is not included in the solution set.

Next, shade the region to the left of the open circle because it represents all the values of k that are less than 8.

The number line with the graph of k < 8 will look like this:

7 0 -5

The open circle indicates that the value of k can approach but not equal 8, and the shaded part represents the solution set where k is less than 8.