papers that are inadequately developed often contain repetition and wordy generalities


When discussing a topic or writing a paper, it is important to develop your ideas effectively. Papers that are inadequately developed often suffer from issues such as repetition and wordy generalities. These issues make the content of the paper less coherent and lead to a weaker overall argument or message.

Repetition occurs when the same information or ideas are reiterated multiple times throughout the paper. This can make the writing appear redundant and reduce the impact of the argument. To avoid repetition, it is essential to carefully structure your writing. Instead of restating the same points, focus on providing new evidence or developing your ideas further. Repeating information without adding any new insights can lead to a lack of substance in your paper.

Wordy generalities refer to using vague or overly broad language instead of providing specific and precise details. When the content lacks clarity and precision, it becomes challenging for the reader to understand your intended message. To overcome this issue, it is crucial to be specific and concise when writing. Use concrete examples, specific details, and relevant evidence to support your points. By avoiding broad statements and focusing on specific information, you can make your paper more engaging and persuasive.

To improve the development of your paper, you can follow these steps:

1. Plan your paper: Before you start writing, create an outline or a structure that maps out your main ideas and supporting points. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow to your writing.

2. Provide evidence: Make sure to support your ideas with evidence, such as examples, data, or quotes from authoritative sources. This strengthens your arguments and adds credibility to your paper.

3. Analyze and explain: Instead of simply stating information, analyze it and provide explanations. This helps you delve deeper into the subject matter and provides your reader with a better understanding of your viewpoint.

4. Edit and revise: After completing the first draft, review your paper for repetition, wordiness, and generalities. Look for areas where you can condense your writing, eliminate unnecessary details, and provide more clarity.

5. Seek feedback: Share your paper with peers or mentors who can provide constructive feedback. Their input can help you identify areas where further development is needed and improve the overall quality of your writing.

By following these steps, you can enhance the development of your paper, eliminate repetition, and avoid wordy generalities, resulting in a more coherent and compelling piece of writing.