A ramp is built by putting a triangle on top of a trapezoid. How long is the ramp?

how long is the triangle and trapezoid

To find the length of the ramp, we need to find the sum of the bases of the triangle and the trapezoid.

1. Start by measuring the length of the triangle's base. Let's call it "a".

2. Next, measure the length of the trapezoid's shorter base. Let's call it "b".

3. Then, measure the length of the trapezoid's longer base. Let's call it "c".

4. To calculate the length of the ramp, add the length of the triangle's base to the sum of the trapezoid's bases: a + b + c.

Once you have the measurements for the triangle's base ("a"), the trapezoid's shorter base ("b"), and the trapezoid's longer base ("c"), simply add them together to get the length of the ramp.