Which of the following inequalities has x>4 as a solution

A: 6x < -24
B: x+4>0
C: -5x+2<-18
D: 4x + 2 > 14

You seem to have an identity problem. You've posted 9 different math problems, each using a different name.

To determine which of the given inequalities has x > 4 as a solution, we need to test each inequality using the process of elimination.

A: 6x < -24
First, solve for x:
6x < -24
Divide both sides by 6 (since it is a positive number):
x < -4
Since -4 is not greater than 4, we can eliminate option A.

B: x + 4 > 0
We subtract 4 from both sides of the inequality:
x > -4
Since -4 is not greater than 4, we can eliminate option B.

C: -5x + 2 < -18
First, solve for x:
-5x + 2 < -18
Subtract 2 from both sides of the inequality:
-5x < -20
Divide both sides by -5 (note that when dividing by a negative number, the inequality sign flips):
x > 4
Since 4 is greater than 4, we can eliminate option C.

D: 4x + 2 > 14
Subtract 2 from both sides of the inequality:
4x > 12
Divide both sides by 4:
x > 3
Since 3 is not greater than 4, we can eliminate option D.

Therefore, the only inequality that has x > 4 as a solution is option C: -5x + 2 < -18.