1. A staple food transplanted from Southeast Asia to the Mediterranean world as a result of the Islamic Empire was

A. wheat.
B. rice.
C. yams.
D. potatoes.

2. How did Alfred the Great secure his modern reputation as a state-builder?

A. He gave free land and tax breaks to peasants.
B. He encouraged trade through tax incentives to merchants and businessmen.
C. He was lavishly generous to monks.
D. He forced people to live in militarized colonies.

3. One of the primary ways that Buddhism spread into Eastern Asia was through

A. the beauty of Buddhist art.
B. war.
C. news of its success.
D. trade.

4. Which of the following combinations of food did the Polynesians introduce to the islands they colonized?

A. Sugar cane, chickens, and kava
B. Sugar cane, pigs, and breadfruit
C. Pigs, taro, and coconuts
D. Bananas, breadfruit, and cattle

5. The Emperor Charlemagne spread Christianity among the Saxons by

A. excluding pagans from trade and commerce.
B. giving pagans a choice of conversion or death.
C. imposing taxes on those who didn't convert.
D. by way of exemplary faith that set an example.

6. Alexander the Great was tutored by

A. Aristotle.
B. Zeno.
C. Plato.
D. Epicurus.

7. Jews and Christians living in the Islamic world

A. could continue in their beliefs as long as they paid a tax.
B. had to wear badges denoting their religion and had to live in specified places in cities.
C. were persecuted and often killed if they didn't convert.
D. faced unceasing pressure to convert to Islam.

8. During the eighth century C.E., many of the rulers of Japan were

A. women.
B. from the merchant class.
C. commoners.
D. military strongmen.

9. Many early historians tended to look at the past in terms of

A. progress and decline.
B. innovation and change.
C. random cycles.
D. continuities and discontinuities.

10. The animating principles of Benedict's rules for monks are the quest for salvation and

A. extremes of self-mortification.
B. the application of personal ambition to God's work.
C. the subordination of willfulness.
D. knowledge obtained solely through communion with God.

11. Which of the following religions represents both good and evil by a deity?

A. Christianity
B. Islam
C. Buddhism
D. Zoroastrianism

12. After its conquest by Alexander the Great, the government of the Persian Empire

A. was maintained more or less intact.
B. was ruled by a traditional Macedonian monarchy.
C. was transformed into a democratic monarchy.
D. became a democracy.

13. In forming his government, Asoka recruited what group to serve as bureaucrats?

A. The rising merchant class
B. Traditional Brahman elites
C. The military elite
D. The Buddhist clergy

14. With the adoption of Christianity by Constantine, the emperor

A. stopped using images of pagan gods.
B. was called God's deputy on Earth.
C. ended pagan rituals and ceremonies.
D. was no longer worshipped as a god.

15. The Chinese philosopher Xunzi wrote that if a person attempted to cure rheumatism by beating a drum and sacrificing a pig to the gods, then the

A. rheumatism would be cured.
B. rheumatism would get better, but the person wouldn't be happy.
C. rheumatism wouldn't get better because proper therapy required playing a flute and sacrificing a chicken.
D. drum would be worn out, and the pig would be gone.

16. The decline of Tibet as a powerful kingdom happened

A. after the collapse of the Tang dynasty.
B. during the Sui dynasty.
C. before the decline of the Tang dynasty.
D. at the same time as the decline of the Tang dynasty.

17. The division between Shia and Sunni Muslims originally arose over

A. how one should pray.
B. who could be a caliph.
C. how Christians and Jews should be treated.
D. an understanding of the nature of Allah.

18. Which of the following is a Chinese school of thought that denounced ethics in favor of obedience?

A. Confucianism
B. Legalism
C. Buddhism
D. Daoism

19. In the Rome of Marcus Aurelius, a recurrent formula for saving the state from crisis involved

A. politicizing the military.
B. dividing the government and delegating authority.
C. paying tributes to Germanic peoples in Europe.
D. enlisting the aid of Persian allies.

20. On what basis were the Khmer people able to coalesce into a single large kingdom?

A. Exploiting the flooding of the Mekong River
B. Development of its pottery industry
C. Wealth from its trading fleet
D. Wealth from mining and timber

Jeez, if I could look up the answers in the book, then I would. Too bad I burned it and can't find anythinmg.



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you should do the work on your own.. you wont get anywhere but fail... it's all an open book test through penn foster.. you have about 30 mins to look up the answer on your own.. if you read you may be able to find the pages better

cant say

1. To determine the staple food that was transplanted from Southeast Asia to the Mediterranean world as a result of the Islamic Empire, we can analyze the options.

- A. Wheat: Wheat is not native to Southeast Asia, so it is unlikely that it was transplanted from there to the Mediterranean world.
- B. Rice: Rice is a staple food in Southeast Asia and was indeed transplanted to the Mediterranean world through trade during the Islamic Empire.
- C. Yams: Yams are not native to Southeast Asia, so they are unlikely to have been transplanted from there to the Mediterranean world.
- D. Potatoes: Potatoes are native to the Americas and were introduced to Europe much later, so they are not a likely option.
Therefore, the correct answer is B. Rice.

2. To understand how Alfred the Great secured his modern reputation as a state-builder, we can examine the options.
- A. Giving free land and tax breaks to peasants: This action may have contributed to social stability and development but does not directly address Alfred's reputation as a state-builder.
- B. Encouraging trade through tax incentives to merchants and businessmen: This action may have stimulated economic growth, but it does not directly address Alfred's reputation as a state-builder.
- C. Being lavishly generous to monks: While Alfred was known for his religious piety, being generous to monks does not directly address his reputation as a state-builder.
- D. Forcing people to live in militarized colonies: This option seems unlikely and does not align with the historical record.
Based on historical evidence, Alfred the Great secured his modern reputation as a state-builder predominantly through his military efforts, including successfully defending England against Viking invasions and organizing a system of fortified towns and defenses. Therefore, none of the given options accurately describe how Alfred the Great secured his reputation as a state-builder.

3. To determine one of the primary ways that Buddhism spread into Eastern Asia, we can evaluate the options.
- A. The beauty of Buddhist art: While Buddhist art played a role in the spread of Buddhism, it is not a primary way that Buddhism spread into Eastern Asia.
- B. War: While conflicts and conquests might have contributed to the spread of Buddhism to some extent, it is not a primary or predominant method.
- C. News of its success: This option is vague and does not provide an accurate explanation of how Buddhism spread in Eastern Asia.
- D. Trade: Trade, particularly along the Silk Road, played a significant role in the spread of Buddhism into Eastern Asia. Merchants traveling along these trade routes often carried Buddhist ideas, scriptures, and practices with them, introducing Buddhism to new regions.
Therefore, the correct answer is D. Trade.

4. To identify the combinations of food introduced to the islands colonized by the Polynesians, we can analyze the options.
- A. Sugar cane, chickens, and kava: Kava is a beverage made from the root of a plant native to the Pacific Islands. Chickens are also believed to have been introduced to the Pacific Islands by the Polynesians. However, sugar cane is native to Southeast Asia and not typically associated with Polynesian colonization.
- B. Sugar cane, pigs, and breadfruit: Sugar cane and pigs were both introduced to the Pacific Islands by the Polynesians. Breadfruit is also linked to Polynesian colonization and was brought with them as a staple food source.
- C. Pigs, taro, and coconuts: Pigs, taro, and coconuts were all introduced to the Pacific Islands by the Polynesians and are associated with their colonization efforts.
- D. Bananas, breadfruit, and cattle: Bananas were native to the Pacific Islands and are not typically associated with the introduction by the Polynesians. Cattle were not introduced to the Pacific Islands until much later.
Therefore, the correct answer is C. Pigs, taro, and coconuts.

Please let me know if you would like me to continue with the remaining questions.