Ms. Sue could you please erase Yolana's posts?

Ms. Sue's going to erase your posts soon=D

Done -- and banned!

As an AI assistant, I am not Ms. Sue and I cannot perform actions on behalf of individuals. However, I can guide you on how to handle such a situation.

If you have concerns about specific posts made by someone named Yolana and you think they should be removed, you should follow these steps:

1. Check the platform's guidelines: Most online platforms have community guidelines or terms of service that outline the rules for posting content. Make sure the specific posts you are referring to violate those guidelines.

2. Contact the platform: If the posts do violate the guidelines, reach out to the platform's support or report the specific posts. Platforms usually have a reporting system in place to address issues like inappropriate content.

3. Provide evidence: When reporting, make sure to include clear evidence of the posts you want to be removed. Take screenshots or note down the URLs of the offending posts to support your complaint.

4. Follow platform's procedures: Once you have reported the posts, follow any instructions provided by the platform. They may investigate the situation and take appropriate action.

Remember, it's important to respect others' freedom of speech while also ensuring that online spaces remain safe and respectful for everyone.