What is the diffrence between totalitarianism and Fascism?

which countries in WW2 went to which between the two?
what where thier goals?



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Totalitarianism and fascism are related political ideologies, but they have some distinctions:

Totalitarianism: It refers to a system where the government controls and regulates almost every aspect of public and private life. Totalitarian regimes tend to suppress individual freedoms, control the media, and limit political opposition. The government's authority is emphasized over individual rights and liberties.

Fascism: It is a form of authoritarian government and an extreme right-wing ideology that originated in Europe in the early 20th century, particularly in Italy under Benito Mussolini and Germany under Adolf Hitler. Fascist regimes prioritize nationalism, a centralized government led by a dictator, and the suppression of dissent. They often emphasize racial or ethnic superiority.

In the context of World War II, several countries aligned with either totalitarianism or fascism:

1. Germany: Under Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime, Germany pursued both totalitarian and fascist characteristics. The goal was to establish a racially pure German state, expand territorial control, and promote the superiority of the "Aryan" race.

2. Italy: Led by Benito Mussolini, Italy embraced fascism. The primary objectives included establishing a single-party state, reviving the greatness of the Roman Empire, and promoting Italian nationalism and expansionism.

3. Soviet Union: The Soviet Union, under Joseph Stalin, embraced a form of totalitarianism known as Stalinism. While not strictly fascist, Stalin's regime exerted absolute control over all aspects of society, suppressed dissent, and pursued aggressive expansion.

4. Japan: Imperial Japan adopted a totalitarian government, with militaristic and expansionist aims. They sought to establish dominance in East Asia, acquire resources, and spread their influence.

It is important to note that other countries involved in World War II, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, championed democratic systems or other political ideologies, opposing both fascism and totalitarianism.