What material was used to plug the eye sockets during mummification process?

The material used to plug the eye sockets during the mummification process in ancient Egypt was typically linen. The ancient Egyptians believed that the deceased needed their eyes intact in the afterlife, so the linen plugs were used to prevent any leakage of bodily fluids or decomposition from the eye sockets.

To find this information, you can start by searching online sources such as reliable websites, scholarly articles, or books on ancient Egyptian culture, mummification, or burial rituals. These sources often provide detailed information about the materials and processes involved in mummification.

You can also refer to books specifically dedicated to the subject of ancient Egyptian mummification, which are written by experts in the field. These books provide in-depth explanations and descriptions of the mummification process, including the materials used.

Additionally, you may find museum websites or educational resources that offer insights into ancient Egyptian artifacts and practices. These sources often have sections or articles dedicated to mummification, providing information about the materials used during the process.

Remember to cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and credibility of the information you gather.
