why is yellow journalism important in the Spanish American war?


YEllow journalism was important because it was a business move for the newspapers. By makiing the war more exaggerated in the media, it sold more newspapaers.

Yellow journalism was important in the Spanish American War because it played a significant role in shaping public opinion, fueling sentiment in favor of American intervention in the conflict. Yellow journalism refers to the practice of reporting news with sensationalism, exaggeration, and often biased or misleading information.

In the late 19th century, the rivalry between two newspapers, the New York World (owned by Joseph Pulitzer) and the New York Journal (owned by William Randolph Hearst), intensified during the build-up to the war. Both papers used yellow journalism tactics to attract readers and increase circulation by focusing on sensational stories and employing exaggerated headlines.

These newspapers were responsible for publishing stories that were highly critical of the Spanish government in Cuba, emphasizing alleged atrocities committed by the Spanish forces against Cuban rebels. By exaggerating these stories and using emotionally charged language, yellow journalists were able to generate public outrage and fuel anti-Spanish sentiment among American citizens.

The sensationalized reporting by these newspapers helped sway public opinion towards supporting U.S. military intervention in Cuba. Many Americans believed that the United States had a duty to intervene and protect the Cuban people from Spanish oppression, influenced by the graphic imagery and emotional language used in yellow journalism.

Ultimately, the coverage provided by yellow journalism pushed the U.S. government to take action, leading to the Spanish American War in 1898. While yellow journalism played a significant role in mobilizing public support for the war, it also had its critics who believed that it distorted the truth and manipulated public opinion for political and financial gain.

To understand the importance of yellow journalism in the Spanish American War, one can examine historical sources such as articles from the New York World and New York Journal, as well as books and scholarly articles on the topic. These sources can provide insights into the specific tactics employed by yellow journalists and their impact on public sentiment. Additionally, a study of the broader historical context surrounding the war, including political and social factors, can shed light on why yellow journalism was influential during this time.