The mineral ____ and vitamins ____ and ____ regulate bone and tooth formation.

A) calcium, K, E
B) iron, A, D
C) magnesium, C, B12
D) calcium, A, D

The answer is D) calcium, A, D.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the role of different minerals and vitamins in bone and tooth formation.

Calcium is a crucial mineral that is well known for its role in maintaining strong bones and teeth. It is involved in the formation and maintenance of the structure of bones and teeth.

Vitamin A is essential for bone growth and development. It helps in the production of osteoblasts, which are cells responsible for building bones. Additionally, it aids in the synthesis and regulation of bone remodeling proteins.

Vitamin D plays a vital role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the diet. It helps regulate the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which in turn affects bone mineralization and tooth formation.

Looking at the options:

A) Calcium, vitamin K, and vitamin E - While vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting, it is not directly involved in bone and tooth formation. Vitamin E is primarily an antioxidant and does not have a significant impact on bone health.

B) Iron, vitamin A, and vitamin D - Iron is important for transporting oxygen in the blood but is not directly involved in bone and tooth formation. As mentioned earlier, vitamin A and vitamin D are both essential for bone and tooth development.

C) Magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin B12 - Magnesium is involved in numerous bodily functions, but it does not directly regulate bone and tooth formation. While vitamin C is important for collagen synthesis, it does not have a direct role in bone and tooth formation. Vitamin B12 primarily aids in red blood cell production and nervous system function.

D) Calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin D - Calcium is essential for bone and tooth formation. Vitamin A and vitamin D both play crucial roles in bone growth, development, and maintenance.

Therefore, option D) calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin D is the correct answer as they are the minerals and vitamins that primarily regulate bone and tooth formation.