what did the fascists and natizes advocate and how did they govern their states? (20th century)

We'll be glad to comment on your answers about the fascists and NAZIS.

i don't understand what it is asking

What did the fascists and Nazis want? What was their goal?

How did they govern their countries?
Answer: They were dictators.

In the 20th century, fascist and Nazi ideologies emerged as significant political movements. Fascism and Nazism shared certain characteristics, but also had distinct differences. To understand what these ideologies advocated and how they governed their states, let's break it down step-by-step.

1. Fascism:
- Advocated: Fascism, spearheaded by Benito Mussolini in Italy, emphasized extreme nationalism, militarism, and the subordination of individual interests to the state's goals. Fascists called for centralized government control, rejecting liberal democracy and endorsing one-party rule.
- Governance: Once in power, fascists established authoritarian regimes, suppressing political opposition, trade unions, and free speech. They formed paramilitary groups to enforce their policies, employing censorship and propaganda to manipulate public opinion. Economic policies varied, with some elements of corporatism and state intervention.

2. Nazism:
- Advocated: Nazism, led by Adolf Hitler in Germany, incorporated elements of fascism while rooting its ideology in Aryan racial superiority, anti-Semitism, and expansionist ambitions. Nazis sought to create a racially pure society and perceived Jews as the primary enemy.
- Governance: The Nazi regime governed through a totalitarian framework, exerting complete control over all aspects of society. They implemented extensive propaganda campaigns, indoctrinating German citizens and persecuting targeted groups, notably Jews. Key policy initiatives included the Nuremberg Laws, which stripped Jews of their rights, and the establishment of concentration camps.

Now, to delve deeper into these topics, it's always beneficial to consult credible sources such as scholarly books, academic articles, or documentaries. These resources can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the historical context, ideologies, and governance of fascist and Nazi states.