The number of units of weekly output of a certain product is represented by the equation shown below, where x is the number of workers on the assembly line. There are presently 68 workers on the line.

Q(x) = 200x + 4x2
(a) Find Q'(x) and estimate the change in the weekly output caused by the addition of one worker.
(b) Calculate Q(69) βˆ’ Q(68) to see the actual change in the weekly output.

To find Q'(x), we need to take the derivative of Q(x) with respect to x. In this case, Q(x) = 200x + 4x^2, so we have:

Q'(x) = dQ/dx = d(200x + 4x^2)/dx

To find the derivative, we apply the power rule and the constant multiple rule:

Q'(x) = 200 + 8x

Now let's estimate the change in the weekly output caused by the addition of one worker. Since there are currently 68 workers on the line, we can substitute x = 68 in the equation for Q'(x):

Q'(68) = 200 + 8(68)
= 200 + 544
= 744

So the estimated change in the weekly output caused by the addition of one worker is 744 units.

Now let's calculate Q(69) - Q(68) to see the actual change in the weekly output. We have:

Q(69) = 200(69) + 4(69)^2
= 13,800 + 16,044
= 29,844

Q(68) = 200(68) + 4(68)^2
= 13,600 + 14,624
= 28,224

Q(69) - Q(68) = 29,844 - 28,224
= 1,620

So the actual change in the weekly output caused by the addition of one worker is 1,620 units.

Q ( 60 )