If the data were displayed in a circle graph, what percent of the graph would represent the seventh grade? Enrollment is Sixth grade 64, Seventh grade 64, and Eighth grade is 70

64 + 64 + 70 = 198

64/198 = 0.323 = 32.3%

Total is 64+64+70 = 198

64/198 = .323 or 32.3 %

To find the percentage of the graph that represents the seventh grade, we need to calculate the fraction of the total enrollment that corresponds to the seventh grade, and then convert it to a percentage.

Step 1: Calculate the total enrollment
The total enrollment can be calculated by adding the number of students in each grade level: 64 + 64 + 70 = 198.

Step 2: Find the fraction of seventh-grade enrollment
The fraction representing the seventh grade can be calculated by dividing the number of seventh-grade students (64) by the total enrollment (198): 64 / 198 ≈ 0.3232.

Step 3: Convert the fraction to a percentage
To convert the fraction to a percentage, multiply it by 100: 0.3232 * 100 = 32.32%.

Therefore, approximately 32.32% of the circle graph would represent the seventh grade.