These are a few sentences on the Augustan Age I'd like you to check. I'm unsure about punctuation and word choice.

1. The 18th century England was called Augustan after the period of Roman history which had achieved political stability and power as well as a flourishing of the arts.
2.It was a materialistic society, pragmatic and responsive to economic pressure. Its political institutions were hierarchical, hereditary and privileged.
3.Elections were controlled by the local landowners, since voting was not secret.
4) Politicians were concerned with bribing the electorate either with money or with the promise of jobs. The state was to protect legal rights but was not to interfere in private property.

Often, if you read the sentence aloud, you know when you need a comma to pause for breath.

1. The 18th century England was called Augustan, after......power, as well as


1. The 18th century England was called the Augustan Age, named after a period in Roman history known for attaining political stability, power, and a vibrant artistic scene.

To check the punctuation and word choice, we can break down the sentence:

"The 18th century England was called the Augustan Age" – This part is grammatically correct. However, it is worth noting that "the" is used before "Augustan Age" to specify a particular era.

"which had achieved political stability and power as well as a flourishing of the arts." – This part is also clear in conveying the intended meaning.

To improve the sentence, you could consider rephrasing it as follows:

"The 18th century in England is commonly referred to as the Augustan Age, a period marked by political stability, power, and a thriving arts scene reminiscent of a similarly prosperous period in Roman history."

2. It was a materialistic society, pragmatic, and responsive to economic pressure. Its political institutions were hierarchical, hereditary, and privileged.

To review this sentence:

"It was a materialistic society, pragmatic, and responsive to economic pressure." – This part is grammatically correct, but consider adding a comma after "pragmatic" for better flow.

"Its political institutions were hierarchical, hereditary, and privileged." – This part accurately describes the nature of the society's political structures.

Revised sentence:

"It was a materialistic society, pragmatic, and responsive to economic pressure, with hierarchical, hereditary, and privileged political institutions."

3. Elections were controlled by the local landowners since voting was not secret.

To analyze this sentence:

"Elections were controlled by the local landowners" – This part is grammatically correct and effectively communicates the idea.

"since voting was not secret." – This clarifies the reason why elections were under the control of landowners.

Revised sentence:

"Elections were controlled by the local landowners due to the absence of secret voting."

4. Politicians were concerned with bribing the electorate either with money or with the promise of jobs. The state was to protect legal rights but was not to interfere in private property.

To assess this sentence:

"Politicians were concerned with bribing the electorate either with money or with the promise of jobs." – This clearly describes the behavior of politicians during that time.

"The state was to protect legal rights but was not to interfere in private property." – This part explains the role of the state in safeguarding legal rights and emphasizes its non-interference in private property matters.

Revised sentence:

"Politicians sought to secure votes by either offering money or promising jobs, while the state was tasked with protecting legal rights while refraining from interfering in private property matters."

Remember, style and word choice can vary, so the revisions provided are suggestions for clarity and cohesion.