Besides gaining independence for India, what is another change that Gandhi occurred because of his actions?

Gandhi's nonviolent passive resistance was the inspiration for many other oppressed peoples around the world. In the U.S. Dr. Martin Luther King and other civil rights advocates used it very effectively.

It was because they all had rights and ghandi wanted everything to be perfectly fine

Another significant change that Gandhi brought about through his actions was the philosophy and practice of nonviolence, also known as ahimsa. Gandhi firmly believed in the power of nonviolent resistance against oppression, discrimination, and injustice. He popularized the concept of satyagraha, which translates to "truth-force" or "soul-force." Satyagraha advocated for passive resistance in the face of injustice, emphasizing the use of nonviolent means to achieve social and political change.

To understand this further, we can examine Gandhi's approach to implementing nonviolence. He encouraged people to protest peacefully, boycott oppressive systems, and stand up for their rights through civil disobedience. By refusing to cooperate with unjust laws and peacefully accepting the consequences, often including imprisonment and physical violence, Gandhi demonstrated that nonviolence could be a powerful force for change.

Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence not only influenced the Indian independence movement but also inspired several other significant civil rights and liberation movements globally. Prominent leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Aung San Suu Kyi have acknowledged Gandhi's influence in shaping their own nonviolent strategies in the pursuit of freedom and justice.

So, in addition to India's independence, a lasting impact of Gandhi's actions is the advocacy and practice of nonviolence as a means to challenge injustice and bring about social and political transformation.